
Baie-D’Urfé Rescue

The Baie-D’Urfé Rescue Squad’s mission is to provide competent and caring aid to the victims of emergencies in our community through prevention, public education, and emergency services. They collaborate with other emergency services and are often called upon to assist in search-and-rescue operations.

300 Surrey Road
Baie-D’Urfé, Québec, H9X 3N8

514 457-4033 or 438 989-7418

Baie-D’Urfé Volunteer Citizens on Patrol (vCOPs)

The Baie-D'Urfé Volunteer Citizens on Patrol (vCOPs) actively contribute to make Baie-D’Urfé one of the safest municipalities on the Island of Montréal. They help foster community pride, commitment and safety. These dedicated volunteers provide additional support to local and regional emergency services and are ready to assist with daily patrols and in major emergencies and disasters. New members are always welcome.

300 Surrey Road
Baie-D’Urfé, Québec, H9X 3N8

514 457-5145


Civil Security in Québec

Civil security is a set of actions and means put in place at all levels of society to measure risks, prevent disasters, limit negative consequences over the population, property and the environment and promote a return to normal life.

In Québec, civil security is based on a clear distribution of responsibilities between citizens, businesses, municipalities and the Government of Québec.

When a disaster occurs, the ministry coordinates actions of the Québec government departments and agencies, through the Organization of the Civil Security of Québec (OSCQ), helps the municipality and those in need until a return to normal life and provides, where appropriate, financial assistance to disaster victims.

Civil protection emergency services are available all year round, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Civil Protection Emergency Services

To report an emergency related to civil protection such as:

  • A natural disaster, for example a flood, a landslide or an earthquake;
  • Another event that may endanger the safety of persons or of critical infrastructures, such as an explosion or a spill of hazardous materials.

Gouvernment Operation Center (COG)
Québec: 418 643-3256
Toll free: 1 866 776-8345

Québec financial aid: 1 888-643-2433


Coast Guard Auxiliary Unit 05-08

Unit 05-08 of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary: Quebec, is dedicated to saving life on the waters of Lac Saint-Louis at Montreal, Quebec. Unit 05-08’s goal is to have a crew on call 24/7 to come to the aid of boaters and their families who find themselves in trouble on the lake.

To report any emergency situation, please communicate with the Coast Guard :

Toll Free - 1-800-463-4393

On your cellphone - *16 

On boat - VHF Channel 16

300 Surrey Road
Baie-D’Urfé, Québec, H9X 3N8

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Fire Department

Built in 2005-2006, the Fire Hall was officially inaugurated in 2006. The Fire Department was initially located at 300 Surrey, the Town’s current Public Works Building.

Prior to the merger of municipalities with Montréal, the Fire Department in Baie-D’Urfé was operated by a group of volunteer firefighters.

For all emergencies (ambulance, police, fire, civil security) or should a situation arise requiring emergency services i.e. an accident with injuries, criminal activity, a grave illness or a fire, please dial 9-1-1.

330 Surrey Road
Baie-D’Urfé, Québec, H9X 2E7

514 783-7852

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Municipal Emergency Services

For municipal emergencies outside regular office hours such as, water breaks, fallen tree, flood or similar issues please call: 514 630‑1234

Police Department

For all emergencies (ambulance, police, fire, civil security) or should a situation arise requiring emergency services i.e. an accident with injuries, criminal activity, a grave illness or a fire, please dial 9-1-1.

To contact the police for all non-emergency matters that should be reported, such as graffiti, please dial: 
514 280-0101 or 514 280-2222 ext. # 5.

To report an event or to file an online police report in your area, you may click on this direct link.

2019 Action Plan of the PDQ1 

As part of its Annual Action Plan and with regards to public consultation, neighbourhood police station 1 (PDQ1) wishes to inform the Montréal community of its accomplishments for the year 2019. Click here for the reading of their April report.

2883, boul. Saint-Charles
Kirkland, Québec, H9H 3B5

514 280-0101

514 280-0601

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Québec Red Cross


The Canadian Red Cross mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world.

In Quebec, the Red Cross is the public authorities’ main partner in providing services to people affected by a disaster. When disasters occur, first responders contact the Red Cross through a call centre to request support in assisting those affected by the disaster.

An alert procedure enables the call centre to quickly mobilize the teams of volunteers who are closest to the disaster. The Red Cross provides the following services in case of a disaster or emergency: emergency shelter; reception and information; emergency food; emergency clothing; personal services; and family reunification services.

170 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2P2

613 740-1900 | 1 800 363-7305

613 740-1911


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